
Secretary |
Ketty |
No |
210-6503129 |
No |
210-6532910 |
Publications |
Τετάρτη, 26 Μαρτίου 2025 |

Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos, John Vrettaros |
E-Learning, Fuzzy Methods, and Sign Language Video to Enhance Teaching for Hearing Impaired |
Book Chapter in the book "Strategic Role of Tertiary Education and Technologies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage", Patricia Ordonez de Pablos and Robert D. Tennyson, editors, IGI Global, 2013 |
Athanasios S. Drigas and Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou |
ICTs in Special Education: A Review |
M.D. Lytras et al. (Eds.): WSKS 2011, CCIS 278, pp. 357-364, 2013, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 |
A. Drigas and S. Kouremenos |
Estimation of Modelling Parameters for H.263-Quantized Video Traces |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Volume 2013, Article ID 351435, 13 pages, 2013 |
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos and A. Drigas |
Characteristics of Video Traffic from Videoconference Applications: From H.261 to H.264 |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Volume 2013, Article ID 614157, 10 pages, 2013 |
Athanasios S. Drigas, and Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou |
Special Education and ICTs |
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 41-47, 2013 |
Drigas A., Koukianakis L. |
E-Government Applications for the Information Society |
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) Volume 10, Issue 1, No 2, pp. 753-758, 2013 |
Athanasios Drigas, Athanassia Dourou |
A Review on ICT Based Applications for Intervention and Assistance of People with Memory Deficits |
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in E-Learning (iJET), Vol 8, No 5, pp. 47-49, 2013 |
Athanasios Drigas, Athanassia Dourou |
A Review on ICTs, E-Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Dyslexic's Assistance |
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in E-Learning (iJET), Vol 8, No 4, pp. 63-67, 2013 |
Athanasios S. Drigas and Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou |
A Review on Artificial Intelligence in Special Education |
M.D. Lytras et al. (Eds.): WSKS 2011, CCIS 278, pp. 385-391, 2013, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 |
Athanasios Drigas, Maria Karyotaki |
E-learning and ICTs Applications in Nutrition Science |
International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), Vol 1, No 2, pp. 4-10, 2013 |
Nikolaos G. Bardis, Oleksandr P. Markovskyi, Nikolaos Doukas and Athanasios Drigas |
Fast Implementation Zero Knowledge Identification Schemes Using The Galois Fields Arithmetic |
IX International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL), October 25-27, 2012, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012 |
Athanasios S. Drigas, Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou |
Artificial Intelligence in Special Education: A Decade Review |
International Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 28, Issue 6, pp. 1366-1372, 2012 |
Anna Kamakari and Athanasios Drigas |
Advanced E-Learning Services for Teachers |
IGI International Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR), Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 85-96, 2012 |
John Vrettaros, George Vouros, Athanasios S. Drigas |
Using Back-Propagation (BPN) neural networks for basic knowledge of the English language diagnosis |
Information Systems Management, Special Issue "Information Systems Research for a Sustainable Knowledge Society", Volume 27, Issue 3, Taylor & Francis, 2012, Accepted |
Vrettaros J, Tagoulis A, Giannopoulou N, Drigas A |
Case Study in using Web 2.0 tools by Greek Educators |
International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, Volume 1, No. 4, pp.363 - 374, 2012 |
K.S. Ntalianis, P. D. Tzouveli and A.S. Drigas |
Automatic Stereoscopic Video Object-Based Watermarking Using Qualified Significant Wavelet Trees |
International Journal of Computer Science & Technology, (JCS&T), Volume 12, Issue 3, p.123, 2012 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou |
Towards an ICT-Based Psychology: E-Psychology |
International Journal of Computers in Human Behaviour, Elsevier, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp. 1416-1423, 2011 |
Klimis S. Ntalianis, Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Athanasios Drigas |
Video-Object Oriented Biometrics Hiding for User Authentication under Error-Prone Transmissions |
EURASIP Journal on Information Security, Volume 2011, Issue 2011, pp. 1-12, 2011 |
Vrettaros J., Pavlopoulos J., Vouros G. & Drigas A. |
GPNN Techniques in Learning Assessment Systems |
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, (IJTEL), Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 415-429, 2011 |
Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos and John Vrettaros |
Learning Applications for Disabled People |
Book chapter in "Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Approaches and Applications" (IGI-Global), pp. 44-57, 2011 |
Nikolaos Bardis, Athanasios Drigas, Alexander Markovskyy and John Vrettaros |
Accelerated Modular Multiplication Algorithm of Large Word Length Numbers with a Fixed Module |
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 497-505, 2010 |
Spyros Domoxoudis, Stelios Kouremenos, Vasilios Loumos and Athanasios Drigas |
An Introduction to Videoconference Video Traffic |
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 506-513, 2010 |
Athanasios Drigas, John Vrettaros, Alexandors Tagoulis and Dimitris Kouremenos |
Teaching a Foreign Language to Deaf People via Vodcasting & Web 2.0 Tools |
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 514-521, 2010 |
Anna Kamakari and Athanasios Drigas |
Video Conferencing and Knowledge Management in In-Service Teacher Distance Lifelong Training and Development |
Technology Enhanced Learning. Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 73, pp. 610-619, 2010 |
N. G. Bardis, A. Drigas, A. P. Markovskyy and I. Vrettaros |
Check Sum Optimization for Transmission and Storage of Digital Information |
Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 111, pp. 582-590, 2010 |
John Vrettaros, Katerina Argiri, Pilios Stavrou, Kostas Hrissagis and Athanasios Drigas |
Evaluation Study of Pedagogical Methods and E-Learning Material via Web 2.0 for Hearing Impaired People |
Technology Enhanced Learning. Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 73, pp. 595-601, 2010 |
Nikolaos Doukas, Athanasios Drigas and Nikolaos G. Bardis |
Design of an Interactive Game for Teaching War Ethics |
Technology Enhanced Learning. Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 73, pp. 558-564, 2010 |
Athanasios Drigas and Lefteris Koukianakis |
Convergence of Culture and ICTs: E-Culture |
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 488-496, 2010 |
J. Vrettaros, A. Leros, K. Hrissagis-Chrysagis and A. Drigas |
The Problem of Knowledge Elicitation from the Expert's Point of View |
Book Chapter in Computer-Based Diagnostics and Systematic Analysis of Knowledge (Springer Science+Business Media), Part 1, pp. 61-73, 2010 |
Bardis, N.G., Doukas, N., Markovskyi, O.P., Drigas, A. |
Two level efficient user authentication scheme |
Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, DEST 2010, pp. 470-474, 2010 |
Athanasios Drigas and Leyteris Koukianakis |
Government Online: An E-Government Platform to Improve Public Administration Operations and Services Delivery to the Citizen |
Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5736/2009, pp. 523-532, 2009 |
Klimis Ntalianis, Paraskevi Tzouveli, Stefanos Kollias and Athanasios Drigas |
Protection of Real and Artwork Human Objects based on a Chaotic Moments Modulation Method |
International Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Volume 4, Issue 6, pp. 509-518, 2009 |
Athanasios S. Drigas, Katerina Argyri, John Vrettaros |
Decade review (1999-2009): progress of application of artificial intelligence tools in student diagnosis |
International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 175-191, 2009 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, John Glentzes |
An e-culture-e-museums environment for common citizens and disabled individuals |
International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, Vol. 1, No.4, pp. 267-279, 2009 |
Nikolaos G. Bardis, Athanasios Drigas, Nikolaos Doukas, Nikolaos V. Karadimas |
Optimised information system reliability techniques for knowledge society acceptance |
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Vol. 5, No.3/4, pp. 207-221, 2009 |
Nikolaos G. Bardis, Athanasios Drigas and Oleksandr P. Markovskyi |
Performance Increase of Error Control Operation on Data Transmission |
IEEE, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 275-280, 2009 |
John Vrettaros, Alexis Tagoulis, Niki Giannopoulou and Athanasios Drigas |
An Empirical Study on the Use of Web 2.0 by Greek Adult Instructors in Educational Procedures |
Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 49, Part 2, pp. 164-170, 2009 |
Athanasios S. Drigas, Katerina Argyri and John Vrettaros |
Decade Review (1999-2009): Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Student Modeling |
Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 49, Part 3, pp. 552-564, 2009 |
Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos, John Vrettaros, Miltos Karvounis and Pilios Stavrou |
The Diagnosis of the Educational Needs of the Hearing Impaired |
International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 138-148, 2009 |
John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios S. Drigas |
An Expedient Study on Back-Propagation (BPN) Neural Networks for Modeling Automated Evaluation of the Answers and Progress of Deaf Students' That Possess Basic Knowledge of the English Language and Computer Skills |
Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 49, Part 3, pp. 542-551, 2009 |
Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos and John Vrettaros |
Teaching of English to Hearing Impaired Individuals Whose Mother Language Is the Sign Language |
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5288/2008, pp. 263-270, 2008 |
Athanasios S. Drigas and John Vrettaros |
Using the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Algorithm, as a Prototype E-Content Retrieval Tool |
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5073/2008, pp. 14-23, 2008 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and John Glentzes |
An E-Culture Environment for Common Citizens and Visually Impaired Individuals |
The Open Knowlege Society. A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 19, pp. 641-648, 2008 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and Yannis Papagerasimou |
Advanced Methods of Web Learning |
Advances in Blended Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5328/2008, pp. 16-24, 2008 |
John Pavlopoulos, John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios S. Drigas |
The Development of a Self-assessment System for the Learners Answers with the Use of GPNN |
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5288/2008, pp. 332-340, 2008 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and Yannis Papagerasimou |
Psychology in the ICT Era: Electronic Psychology |
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5288/2008, pp. 88-95, 2008 |
John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios Drigas |
Development of an Intelligent Assessment System for Solo Taxonomies Using Fuzzy Logic |
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4724/2007, pp. 901-911, 2007 |
S. Kouremenos, S. Domoxoudis, V. Loumos and A. Drigas |
Modelling of Unconstrained and Constrained H.26x Traffic over IP Networks, Book Chapter in Heterogeneous Networks |
Traffic Engineering, Performance Evaluation Studies & Tools River Publishers, Vol. 1, 2007 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, and Yannis Papagerasimou |
E-Psychology: A Platform and Methods |
14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2007), Japan, 2007 |
A.Drigas, M. Karvounis, J.Vrettaros, D.Kouremenos, P.Stavrou |
The Diagnosis of Educational Needs of the Hearing Impaired on the New Technologies |
9th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA9). Thessaloniki, Greece 3-6 May, 2007 |
John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios Drigas |
An Intelligent System for Solo Taxonomy |
Intelligent Information Processing III, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 228/2007, pp. 421-430, 2007 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis |
Abstract level description for an e-psychology generic environment |
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, and Yannis Papagerasimou |
A Web Based E-Learning and E-Psychology Modular Environment |
International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP'06), Seoul, Korea, pp. 168-174, 2006 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and Yannis Papagerasimou |
An E-Activities Platform to Support SMEs |
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 205/2006, pp. 467-477, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, Y.Vrettaros, D.Kouremenos |
Web Based Teaching of English via Sign Language to Deaf People |
IEEE's International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning. September 27-29, 2006 Villach, Austria |
A.S.Drigas, J.Bakopoulos, J.Vrettaros |
Communication networks security: A new method for creating encryption keys |
IPSI Conference. USA-2006 Palo Alto, California, January 8-11 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, Y.Vrettaros, D.Kouremenos, L.G.Koukianakis, P.D.Stavrou |
Supportive Technologies for hard of hearing individuals |
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G.Glentzes |
A Global E-psychology guide |
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, Y.Vrettaros |
An Intelligent Search Engine Assessing Learning Material
An Intelligent Search Engine Assessing Learning Material to Improve Learning Procedures |
IEEE's 7th (ITHET) International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training. 10-13 July, 2006 Sydney, Australia |
A.S. Drigas, D. Kouremenos, Α. Tagoulis and J. Vrettaros |
Designing e-learning services for teaching English as a second language to Deaf people whose first language is the Sign Language |
International Conference on Design for All, 13-15 September 2006. Rovaniemi, Finland |
Athanasios S. Drigas, Leyteris G. Koukianakis and Yannis V. Papagerasimou |
A Web Based E-Learning and E-Psychology Modular Environment (Extended Version) |
International Journal of Web Services Practices, Vol.2, No.1-2, pp. 35-42, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, Y.V.Papagerasimou |
E-learning Design Including Dynamical Syllabus Adaptation Functions |
IEEE Education Society Conference: International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education (EE2006) Liverpool 24-26 July 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G. Koukianakis, Y.V. Papagerasimou |
An electronic environment to support sight disabilities |
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006 |
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos, A.S.Drigas |
Frame-based Modeling of H.264 Constrained Videoconference Traffic over an IP Commercial Platform |
IEEE 2nd International Conference on Testbeds & Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM 2006), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 245-221, 2006 |
Drigas, A.S., Tagoulis, A., Vrettaros, J. |
Development of asynchronous e-learning systems with the use of Java technology |
IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications - ICTTA'06, Damascus, Syria, pp. 36-41, 2006 |
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, Yannis Papagerasimou |
An E-Learning Environment for Nontraditional Students with Sight Disabilities |
IEEE's FIE 2006, Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2006), San Diego, California, pp. 23-27, 2006 |
Athanasios Drigas, Stelios Kouremenos and Dimitris Kouremenos |
Performance Evaluation of Sign-Language Videoconference Traffic |
IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, IIT 2006. Dubai, pp. 1-6, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, Y. Bakopoulos and V. Loumos |
A study of H.263 Traffic Modeling in Multipoint Videoconference Sessions over IP Networks |
Elsevier's Computer Communications, Vol. 29, pp. 372-391, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas |
E-course support and delivery for e-psychology |
4th WSEAS International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING and DATABASES (AIKED `05), Salzburg, Austria, February 13-15, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Issue 1, Volume 2, pp. 25-28, January 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, A. Tagoulis, P.Kyragianni, P. Nikolopoulos, D. Kalomoirakis, S. Peradonis, D. Kouremenos, CH. Emmanouilidis, J. Vrettaros |
An e-Learning platform for self-paced learning for Greek Paleography |
A.S.Drigas, A. Tagoulis, P.Kyragianni, P. Nikolopoulos, D. Kalomoirakis, S. Peradonis, D. Kouremenos, CH. Emmanouilidis, J. Vrettaros |
An e-learning platform for multiform and interactive education of scholars in Greek Paleography |
5th International WSEAS Conference on Distance Learning and Web Engineering, Corfu, Greece, August 23-25, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, A. Tagoulis, P.Kyragianni, P. Nikolopoulos, D. Kalomoirakis, D.Kouremenos, CH. Emmanouilidis |
A self learning e-system for Greek paleography |
9th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, (9th WSEAS CSCC), Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 11-16, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on INFORMATION SCIENCE and APPLICATIONS , Issue 8, Volume 2, pp. 1096-1099, August 2005 |
Y. Bakopoulos, N. Lygeros and A.S.Drigas |
Adaptive Encryption Protocols |
9th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, (9th WSEAS CSCC), Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 11-16, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS , Issue 8, Volume 4, pp. 694-700, August 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, D.Kouremenos, S. Kouremenos and J. Vrettaros |
An e-Learning System for the Deaf people |
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference, July 7 - 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic, TC2-17 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou |
A System For Hybrid Learning And Hybrid Psychology |
The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2005, July 14 - 17, 2005 in Orlando, Florida, USA |
A.S.Drigas |
Innovation, e-services & new economy(Plenary Lecture) |
5th WSEAS International Conference on DISTANCE LEARNING and WEB ENGINEERING (DIWEB '05), CORFU 23-25/8/2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, S.Domoxoudis |
Passing Government Activities over the Internet: An All In One Environment |
4th WSEAS Int.Conf. on TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS (TELE-INFO'05), Prague, Czech Republic, March 13-15, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS, Issue 5, Volume 4, pp. 433-439, May 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, S.Domoxoudis |
E-Government Structure for e-Protocol, e-Application Submission and Internal Organizational and Operational Support |
4th WSEAS Int.Conf. on TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS (TELE-INFO'05), Prague, Czech Republic, March 13-15, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, J. Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos |
An e-Learning Management System for the Deaf people |
4th WSEAS International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING and DATABASES (AIKED `05), Salzburg, Austria, February 13-15, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Issue 1, Volume 2, pp. 20-24, January 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou |
E-Ecology: A Virtual Lab for Natural Protection |
4th WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities, Miami, Florida, USA, November 17-19, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas |
E-psychology and the school psychology science |
27th ISPA Colloquium, Athens, 13-17 July 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes |
A virtual Lab for Hellenic cultural heritage |
5th WSEAS Int.Conf. on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, DATA BASES (AIKED 2006), Madrid, Spain, February 15-17, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis |
E-government - e-learning Application for Training SMEs in e-activities |
IPS-USA-2006 NEW YORK, USA, January 5-8 2006 |
Drigas, A.S., Papagerasimou, Y.V., Apostolou, D.G. |
A Real Time Satellite Network for E-Culture Applications |
EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool, Belgrade, Serbia, Vol. 1, pp. 628-631, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes |
An E-Culture System for Museums and Galleries of Greece and Cyprus |
IPSI - 2005 SLOVENIA, Bled, Slovenia, December 8-11, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis |
An Open Distance Learning e-system to support SMEs e-enterprising |
5th WSEAS Int.Conf. on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, DATA BASES (AIKED 2006), Madrid, Spain, February 15-17, 2006 |
A.S.Drigas |
E-Culture: Information Society And Civilization |
International Conference of Physicists Association. 16-19 June 2005. Athens. Eugenides Foundation |
A.S.Drigas, J.Vrettaros, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G.Glentzes |
A Virtual Lab and e-learning system for renewable energy sources |
WSEAS Intern. Multiconference in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes |
An ODL system and Virtual Class for the electrical engineering sector |
WSEAS Intern. Multiconference in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes |
A virtual lab and e-training system for natural gas technicians |
4th WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities, Miami, Florida, USA, November 17-19, 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou |
An E-Government Web Portal |
2005 WSEAS International Conference on ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS and DEVELOPMENT, (EED '05). Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT, Issue 1, Volume 1, pp. 150-154, October 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes |
A dynamical system for e-culture services |
2005 WSEAS International Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL (CONTROL '05), Venice, Italy, November 2-4, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, Issue 1, Volume 5, pp. 125-130, January 2006 |
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou |
A system for e-inclusion for individuals with sight disabilities |
7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 27-29, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS, Issue 11, Volume 4, pp. 1776-1780, November 2005 |
A.S.Drigas, J. Vrettaros |
An Intelligent Tool for Building E-Learning Contend-Material Using Natural Language in Digital Libraries |
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on E-AVTIVITIES (E-AVTIVITIES 2004), October 24-26, 2004, Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 5, Volume 1, November 2004. |
S.J Perantonis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, A.S. Drigas, C. Emmanouilidis, A. Kesidis |
D-SCRIBE project: A System for Digitization and Processing of Greek Manuscripts |
International Journal Information Theory and Applications, Vol. 11, pp. 232-240, 2004 |
A.S.Drigas, J. Vrettaros, L. Stavrou, D. Kouremenos |
E-learning Environment for Deaf people in the E-Commerce and New Technologies Sector |
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on E-AVTIVITIES (E-AVTIVITIES 2004), October 24-26, 2004, Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 5, Volume 1, November 2004. |
S.J. Perantoni, B. Gatos, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis, I. Vrettaros, A.S.Drigas, C. Emmanouilidis, A. Kesidis, D. Kalomoirakis |
System for Processing and Recognition of Old Greek Manuscripts (The D-SCRIBE Project) |
4th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS, December 17-19, 2004, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, isuue 6, volume 3, p.p. 2049-2057,2004. |
J.Vrettaros, G. Vouros, A.S.Drigas |
Development of a Diagnostic System of Taxonomies Using Fuzzy Logic - Case SOLO (useful for e-learning system) |
Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on AUTOMATION & INFORMATION (ICAI'04), Venice, Italy, November 15-17, 2004. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 6, Volume 1, December 2004. |
A.S.Drigas, J.Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos |
Teleeducation and e-learning services for teaching English as a second language to Deaf people, whose first language is the Sign Language |
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on ROBOTICS, DISTANCE LEARNING AND INTELLIGENT COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (ICRODIC 2004) Izmir, Turkey, September 13-16, 2004. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 3, Volume 1, September 2004. |
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, D. Kouremenos, S. Domoxoudis |
Towards a conservative - with respect to queuing - simulation model for H.261 & H.263 Sign-Language Videoconference Traffic in Multipoint IP Sessions. |
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on MULTIMEDIA, INTERNET AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES (ICOMIV 2004), Izmir, Turkey, September 13-16, 2004. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 7, Volume 3, September 2004. |
V. Soulioti, Y. Bakopoulos, S Kouremenos, Y. Vrettaros, S. Nikolopoulos, A.S.Drigas |
Stream Ciphers created by a Discrete Dynamic System for application in the Internet |
Proceedings of 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on COMMUNICATIONS, July 12-15, 2004, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 2, Volume 3, April 2004. |
Y.Bakopoulos, A.S.Drigas |
Theoretical calculation of the pore size distribution of cement gels |
6th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS & COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (WSEAS MMACTEE 2004) Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, December 29-31, 2004. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. |
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, S. Vrettos, J. Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos |
An expert system for job matching of unemployed |
Elsevier's Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 26 p. 217-224, 2004. |
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos, A.S.Drigas |
Measurement, Modelling and Simulation of Videoconference Traffic from VBR Video Encoders |
HET- NETs 04 - 2nd International working conference on performance modelling and evaluation of heterogeneous networks. Bradford University, UK. 26-28 July 2004. |
A.S.Drigas, L. Koukianakis |
A modular environment for e-learning and e-psychology |
4th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS, December 17-19, 2004, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, isuue 6, volume 3, p.p. 2062-2067,2004. |
V.Soulipti, Y.Bakopoulos, S. Kouremenos, S.Nikolopoulos, Y.Vrettaros, A.S.Drigas |
Quantum Key Distribution and Adaptive Protocols |
6th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS & COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (WSEAS MMACTEE 2004) Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, December 29-31, 2004. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Communications. |
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos and A.S.Drigas |
Measurement, Modelling and Simulation of Videoconference Traffic from VBR Video Encoders |
HET- NETs 04 - 2nd International working conference on performance modelling and evaluation of heterogeneous networks 26-28 July 2004
Requested as Extended PAPER to be included in special journal issues. (7/2004) |
A. Drigas, L. Koukianakis |
E-government Application for Supporting a Network of Distributed Public Administration Units |
WSEAS 2004 Conferences, Vouliagmeni, Athens, GREECE, December 29-31, 2004.
MMACTEE, WAMUS, NOLASC 2004, Issue 10, Volume 3, pp. 3336-3340, December 2004. |
S. Kouremenos, D. Kouremenos, S. Domoxoudis and A. Drigas |
Statistical Analysis of Sign Language VideoConference Traffic in Multipoint IP Sessions |
Fourth Conference on Videoconferencing and Emerging Video Technologies, Gallaudet University - Washington D.C. April 18th - 20th, 2004 |
S. Kouremenos, S.Nikolopoulos, Y.Bakopoulos, A. Drigas, S. Domoxoudis, V. Soulioti |
An Assessment on Experimental Timeseries Analysis of Multipoint Videoconference Traffic in IP Networks |
Halkida 2003 |
C. Skianis, K.Kontovasilis, A.S.Drigas and M. Moatsos |
Measurement and Statistical Analysis of Asymmetric Multipoint Videoconference Traffic in IP Networks |
Kluwer's Telecommunications Systems 23:1,2, p. 95-122, 2003. |
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, J. Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos, L. Koukianakis |
Intelligent tools in business to business training |
International conference on New Horizons in Industry and Education. Santorini. 28-29 August 2003. |
A.S.Drigas |
Η Ηλεκτρονική Αγορά των Δημοσίων Προμηθειών |
INTEROP 2002 |
J. Vrettaros, A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, D. Mitsopoulos |
Open Distance Interactive System for Educational Applications ODYSSEAS |
2nd International Conference on Technology in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. Samos. 27-29 June 2001. |
A.S.Drigas |
Electronic Commerce Framework In Greece: The National Policy |
3rd International E-Commerce Conference for South-Eastern Europe, Sofia, 24-26 October 2000 |
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios, G.I.Stassinopoulos, E.D.Sykas |
Buffer Allocation for Τhree or More Customer Classes |
EURINFO'88, Athens, May 1988. |
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios |
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation in a Multiservice Environment for Multirate Signals |
Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (IEEE), Kobe, Japan, June 1988. |
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios |
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation in a Multiservice Environment for Τhree or More Customer Classes |
Int. Conf. on Data Comm. Techn., Limerick, Ireland, Sept. 1988. |
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios |
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation in a Multiservice Environment, a priority case |
Melecon'89, Lisbon, April 1989 |
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios |
A Priority Model for Resource Allocation in ISDN |
The Third Int. Symp. On Computer and Information Sciences, (ISCIS III). Cesme, Ismir - Turkey. Oct. 29 - Nov.2, 1988 |
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios, G.I.Stassinopoulos, E.D.Sykas |
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation for Multirate Signals |
MELECON'87, Rome, March 1987 |
A.Stafylopatis, A.S.Drigas |
On the Processing Time of a Parallel Linear System Solver |
International Conference on Supercomputing, I.C.S.87, Athens, June 1987. |