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Main-International Publications
Πέμπτη, 24 Οκτωβρίου 2024

International Publications
See all our publications in international journals and conferences in ResearchGate
Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos, John Vrettaros
E-Learning, Fuzzy Methods, and Sign Language Video to Enhance Teaching for Hearing Impaired
Book Chapter in the book "Strategic Role of Tertiary Education and Technologies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage", Patricia Ordonez de Pablos and Robert D. Tennyson, editors, IGI Global, 2013
Athanasios S. Drigas and Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou
ICTs in Special Education: A Review
M.D. Lytras et al. (Eds.): WSKS 2011, CCIS 278, pp. 357-364, 2013, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
A. Drigas and S. Kouremenos
Estimation of Modelling Parameters for H.263-Quantized Video Traces
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Volume 2013, Article ID 351435, 13 pages, 2013
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos and A. Drigas
Characteristics of Video Traffic from Videoconference Applications: From H.261 to H.264
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Volume 2013, Article ID 614157, 10 pages, 2013
Athanasios S. Drigas, and Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou
Special Education and ICTs
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 41-47, 2013
Drigas A., Koukianakis L.
E-Government Applications for the Information Society
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) Volume 10, Issue 1, No 2, pp. 753-758, 2013
Athanasios Drigas, Athanassia Dourou
A Review on ICT Based Applications for Intervention and Assistance of People with Memory Deficits
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in E-Learning (iJET), Vol 8, No 5, pp. 47-49, 2013
Athanasios Drigas, Athanassia Dourou
A Review on ICTs, E-Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Dyslexic's Assistance
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in E-Learning (iJET), Vol 8, No 4, pp. 63-67, 2013
Athanasios S. Drigas and Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou
A Review on Artificial Intelligence in Special Education
M.D. Lytras et al. (Eds.): WSKS 2011, CCIS 278, pp. 385-391, 2013, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Athanasios Drigas, Maria Karyotaki
E-learning and ICTs Applications in Nutrition Science
International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), Vol 1, No 2, pp. 4-10, 2013
Nikolaos G. Bardis, Oleksandr P. Markovskyi, Nikolaos Doukas and Athanasios Drigas
Fast Implementation Zero Knowledge Identification Schemes Using The Galois Fields Arithmetic
IX International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL), October 25-27, 2012, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012
Athanasios S. Drigas, Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou
Artificial Intelligence in Special Education: A Decade Review
International Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 28, Issue 6, pp. 1366-1372, 2012
Anna Kamakari and Athanasios Drigas
Advanced E-Learning Services for Teachers
IGI International Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR), Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 85-96, 2012
John Vrettaros, George Vouros, Athanasios S. Drigas
Using Back-Propagation (BPN) neural networks for basic knowledge of the English language diagnosis
Information Systems Management, Special Issue "Information Systems Research for a Sustainable Knowledge Society", Volume 27, Issue 3, Taylor & Francis, 2012, Accepted
Vrettaros J, Tagoulis A, Giannopoulou N, Drigas A
Case Study in using Web 2.0 tools by Greek Educators
International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, Volume 1, No. 4, pp.363 - 374, 2012
K.S. Ntalianis, P. D. Tzouveli and A.S. Drigas
Automatic Stereoscopic Video Object-Based Watermarking Using Qualified Significant Wavelet Trees
International Journal of Computer Science & Technology, (JCS&T), Volume 12, Issue 3, p.123, 2012
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou
Towards an ICT-Based Psychology: E-Psychology
International Journal of Computers in Human Behaviour, Elsevier, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp. 1416-1423, 2011
Klimis S. Ntalianis, Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Athanasios Drigas
Video-Object Oriented Biometrics Hiding for User Authentication under Error-Prone Transmissions
EURASIP Journal on Information Security, Volume 2011, Issue 2011, pp. 1-12, 2011
Vrettaros J., Pavlopoulos J., Vouros G. & Drigas A.
GPNN Techniques in Learning Assessment Systems
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, (IJTEL), Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 415-429, 2011
Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos and John Vrettaros
Learning Applications for Disabled People
Book chapter in "Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Approaches and Applications" (IGI-Global), pp. 44-57, 2011
Nikolaos Bardis, Athanasios Drigas, Alexander Markovskyy and John Vrettaros
Accelerated Modular Multiplication Algorithm of Large Word Length Numbers with a Fixed Module
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 497-505, 2010
Spyros Domoxoudis, Stelios Kouremenos, Vasilios Loumos and Athanasios Drigas
An Introduction to Videoconference Video Traffic
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 506-513, 2010
Athanasios Drigas, John Vrettaros, Alexandors Tagoulis and Dimitris Kouremenos
Teaching a Foreign Language to Deaf People via Vodcasting & Web 2.0 Tools
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 514-521, 2010
Anna Kamakari and Athanasios Drigas
Video Conferencing and Knowledge Management in In-Service Teacher Distance Lifelong Training and Development
Technology Enhanced Learning. Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 73, pp. 610-619, 2010
N. G. Bardis, A. Drigas, A. P. Markovskyy and I. Vrettaros
Check Sum Optimization for Transmission and Storage of Digital Information
Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 111, pp. 582-590, 2010
John Vrettaros, Katerina Argiri, Pilios Stavrou, Kostas Hrissagis and Athanasios Drigas
Evaluation Study of Pedagogical Methods and E-Learning Material via Web 2.0 for Hearing Impaired People
Technology Enhanced Learning. Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 73, pp. 595-601, 2010
Nikolaos Doukas, Athanasios Drigas and Nikolaos G. Bardis
Design of an Interactive Game for Teaching War Ethics
Technology Enhanced Learning. Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 73, pp. 558-564, 2010
Athanasios Drigas and Lefteris Koukianakis
Convergence of Culture and ICTs: E-Culture
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 112, pp. 488-496, 2010
J. Vrettaros, A. Leros, K. Hrissagis-Chrysagis and A. Drigas
The Problem of Knowledge Elicitation from the Expert's Point of View
Book Chapter in Computer-Based Diagnostics and Systematic Analysis of Knowledge (Springer Science+Business Media), Part 1, pp. 61-73, 2010
Bardis, N.G., Doukas, N., Markovskyi, O.P., Drigas, A.
Two level efficient user authentication scheme
Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, DEST 2010, pp. 470-474, 2010
Athanasios Drigas and Leyteris Koukianakis
Government Online: An E-Government Platform to Improve Public Administration Operations and Services Delivery to the Citizen
Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5736/2009, pp. 523-532, 2009
Klimis Ntalianis, Paraskevi Tzouveli, Stefanos Kollias and Athanasios Drigas
Protection of Real and Artwork Human Objects based on a Chaotic Moments Modulation Method
International Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Volume 4, Issue 6, pp. 509-518, 2009
Athanasios S. Drigas, Katerina Argyri, John Vrettaros
Decade review (1999-2009): progress of application of artificial intelligence tools in student diagnosis
International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 175-191, 2009
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, John Glentzes
An e-culture-e-museums environment for common citizens and disabled individuals
International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, Vol. 1, No.4, pp. 267-279, 2009
Nikolaos G. Bardis, Athanasios Drigas, Nikolaos Doukas, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
Optimised information system reliability techniques for knowledge society acceptance
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Vol. 5, No.3/4, pp. 207-221, 2009
Nikolaos G. Bardis, Athanasios Drigas and Oleksandr P. Markovskyi
Performance Increase of Error Control Operation on Data Transmission
IEEE, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 275-280, 2009
John Vrettaros, Alexis Tagoulis, Niki Giannopoulou and Athanasios Drigas
An Empirical Study on the Use of Web 2.0 by Greek Adult Instructors in Educational Procedures
Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 49, Part 2, pp. 164-170, 2009
Athanasios S. Drigas, Katerina Argyri and John Vrettaros
Decade Review (1999-2009): Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Student Modeling
Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 49, Part 3, pp. 552-564, 2009
Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos, John Vrettaros, Miltos Karvounis and Pilios Stavrou
The Diagnosis of the Educational Needs of the Hearing Impaired
International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 138-148, 2009
John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios S. Drigas
An Expedient Study on Back-Propagation (BPN) Neural Networks for Modeling Automated Evaluation of the Answers and Progress of Deaf Students' That Possess Basic Knowledge of the English Language and Computer Skills
Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 49, Part 3, pp. 542-551, 2009
Athanasios Drigas, Dimitris Kouremenos and John Vrettaros
Teaching of English to Hearing Impaired Individuals Whose Mother Language Is the Sign Language
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5288/2008, pp. 263-270, 2008
Athanasios S. Drigas and John Vrettaros
Using the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Algorithm, as a Prototype E-Content Retrieval Tool
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5073/2008, pp. 14-23, 2008
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and John Glentzes
An E-Culture Environment for Common Citizens and Visually Impaired Individuals
The Open Knowlege Society. A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 19, pp. 641-648, 2008
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and Yannis Papagerasimou
Advanced Methods of Web Learning
Advances in Blended Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5328/2008, pp. 16-24, 2008
John Pavlopoulos, John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios S. Drigas
The Development of a Self-assessment System for the Learners Answers with the Use of GPNN
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5288/2008, pp. 332-340, 2008
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and Yannis Papagerasimou
Psychology in the ICT Era: Electronic Psychology
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5288/2008, pp. 88-95, 2008
John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios Drigas
Development of an Intelligent Assessment System for Solo Taxonomies Using Fuzzy Logic
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4724/2007, pp. 901-911, 2007
S. Kouremenos, S. Domoxoudis, V. Loumos and A. Drigas
Modelling of Unconstrained and Constrained H.26x Traffic over IP Networks, Book Chapter in Heterogeneous Networks
Traffic Engineering, Performance Evaluation Studies & Tools River Publishers, Vol. 1, 2007
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, and Yannis Papagerasimou
E-Psychology: A Platform and Methods
14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2007), Japan, 2007
A.Drigas, M. Karvounis, J.Vrettaros, D.Kouremenos, P.Stavrou
The Diagnosis of Educational Needs of the Hearing Impaired on the New Technologies
9th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA9). Thessaloniki, Greece 3-6 May, 2007
John Vrettaros, George Vouros and Athanasios Drigas
An Intelligent System for Solo Taxonomy
Intelligent Information Processing III, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 228/2007, pp. 421-430, 2007
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis
Abstract level description for an e-psychology generic environment
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, and Yannis Papagerasimou
A Web Based E-Learning and E-Psychology Modular Environment
International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP'06), Seoul, Korea, pp. 168-174, 2006
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis and Yannis Papagerasimou
An E-Activities Platform to Support SMEs
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 205/2006, pp. 467-477, 2006
A.S.Drigas, Y.Vrettaros, D.Kouremenos
Web Based Teaching of English via Sign Language to Deaf People
IEEE's International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning. September 27-29, 2006 Villach, Austria
A.S.Drigas, J.Bakopoulos, J.Vrettaros
Communication networks security: A new method for creating encryption keys
IPSI Conference. USA-2006 Palo Alto, California, January 8-11 2006
A.S.Drigas, Y.Vrettaros, D.Kouremenos, L.G.Koukianakis, P.D.Stavrou
Supportive Technologies for hard of hearing individuals
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G.Glentzes
A Global E-psychology guide
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006
A.S.Drigas, Y.Vrettaros
An Intelligent Search Engine Assessing Learning Material An Intelligent Search Engine Assessing Learning Material to Improve Learning Procedures
IEEE's 7th (ITHET) International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training. 10-13 July, 2006 Sydney, Australia
A.S. Drigas, D. Kouremenos, Α. Tagoulis and J. Vrettaros
Designing e-learning services for teaching English as a second language to Deaf people whose first language is the Sign Language
International Conference on Design for All, 13-15 September 2006. Rovaniemi, Finland
Athanasios S. Drigas, Leyteris G. Koukianakis and Yannis V. Papagerasimou
A Web Based E-Learning and E-Psychology Modular Environment (Extended Version)
International Journal of Web Services Practices, Vol.2, No.1-2, pp. 35-42, 2006
A.S.Drigas, Y.V.Papagerasimou
E-learning Design Including Dynamical Syllabus Adaptation Functions
IEEE Education Society Conference: International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education (EE2006) Liverpool 24-26 July 2006
A.S.Drigas, L.G. Koukianakis, Y.V. Papagerasimou
An electronic environment to support sight disabilities
International Conference of Applied Psychology της IAAP (International Association of Applied psychology) July 16-21 Athens Hilton & Caravel, 2006
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos, A.S.Drigas
Frame-based Modeling of H.264 Constrained Videoconference Traffic over an IP Commercial Platform
IEEE 2nd International Conference on Testbeds & Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM 2006), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 245-221, 2006
Drigas, A.S., Tagoulis, A., Vrettaros, J.
Development of asynchronous e-learning systems with the use of Java technology
IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications - ICTTA'06, Damascus, Syria, pp. 36-41, 2006
Athanasios Drigas, Leyteris Koukianakis, Yannis Papagerasimou
An E-Learning Environment for Nontraditional Students with Sight Disabilities
IEEE's FIE 2006, Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2006), San Diego, California, pp. 23-27, 2006
Athanasios Drigas, Stelios Kouremenos and Dimitris Kouremenos
Performance Evaluation of Sign-Language Videoconference Traffic
IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, IIT 2006. Dubai, pp. 1-6, 2006
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, Y. Bakopoulos and V. Loumos
A study of H.263 Traffic Modeling in Multipoint Videoconference Sessions over IP Networks
Elsevier's Computer Communications, Vol. 29, pp. 372-391, 2006
E-course support and delivery for e-psychology
4th WSEAS International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING and DATABASES (AIKED `05), Salzburg, Austria, February 13-15, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Issue 1, Volume 2, pp. 25-28, January 2005
A.S.Drigas, A. Tagoulis, P.Kyragianni, P. Nikolopoulos, D. Kalomoirakis, S. Peradonis, D. Kouremenos, CH. Emmanouilidis, J. Vrettaros
An e-Learning platform for self-paced learning for Greek Paleography
A.S.Drigas, A. Tagoulis, P.Kyragianni, P. Nikolopoulos, D. Kalomoirakis, S. Peradonis, D. Kouremenos, CH. Emmanouilidis, J. Vrettaros
An e-learning platform for multiform and interactive education of scholars in Greek Paleography
5th International WSEAS Conference on Distance Learning and Web Engineering, Corfu, Greece, August 23-25, 2005
A.S.Drigas, A. Tagoulis, P.Kyragianni, P. Nikolopoulos, D. Kalomoirakis, D.Kouremenos, CH. Emmanouilidis
A self learning e-system for Greek paleography
9th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, (9th WSEAS CSCC), Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 11-16, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on INFORMATION SCIENCE and APPLICATIONS , Issue 8, Volume 2, pp. 1096-1099, August 2005
Y. Bakopoulos, N. Lygeros and A.S.Drigas
Adaptive Encryption Protocols
9th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, (9th WSEAS CSCC), Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 11-16, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS , Issue 8, Volume 4, pp. 694-700, August 2005
A.S.Drigas, D.Kouremenos, S. Kouremenos and J. Vrettaros
An e-Learning System for the Deaf people
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference, July 7 - 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic, TC2-17
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou
A System For Hybrid Learning And Hybrid Psychology
The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2005, July 14 - 17, 2005 in Orlando, Florida, USA
Innovation, e-services & new economy(Plenary Lecture)
5th WSEAS International Conference on DISTANCE LEARNING and WEB ENGINEERING (DIWEB '05), CORFU 23-25/8/2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, S.Domoxoudis
Passing Government Activities over the Internet: An All In One Environment
4th WSEAS Int.Conf. on TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS (TELE-INFO'05), Prague, Czech Republic, March 13-15, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS, Issue 5, Volume 4, pp. 433-439, May 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, S.Domoxoudis
E-Government Structure for e-Protocol, e-Application Submission and Internal Organizational and Operational Support
4th WSEAS Int.Conf. on TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS (TELE-INFO'05), Prague, Czech Republic, March 13-15, 2005
A.S.Drigas, J. Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos
An e-Learning Management System for the Deaf people
4th WSEAS International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING and DATABASES (AIKED `05), Salzburg, Austria, February 13-15, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Issue 1, Volume 2, pp. 20-24, January 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou
E-Ecology: A Virtual Lab for Natural Protection
4th WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities, Miami, Florida, USA, November 17-19, 2005
E-psychology and the school psychology science
27th ISPA Colloquium, Athens, 13-17 July 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes
A virtual Lab for Hellenic cultural heritage
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis
E-government - e-learning Application for Training SMEs in e-activities
IPS-USA-2006 NEW YORK, USA, January 5-8 2006
Drigas, A.S., Papagerasimou, Y.V., Apostolou, D.G.
A Real Time Satellite Network for E-Culture Applications
EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool, Belgrade, Serbia, Vol. 1, pp. 628-631, 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes
An E-Culture System for Museums and Galleries of Greece and Cyprus
IPSI - 2005 SLOVENIA, Bled, Slovenia, December 8-11, 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis
An Open Distance Learning e-system to support SMEs e-enterprising
E-Culture: Information Society And Civilization
International Conference of Physicists Association. 16-19 June 2005. Athens. Eugenides Foundation
A.S.Drigas, J.Vrettaros, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G.Glentzes
A Virtual Lab and e-learning system for renewable energy sources
WSEAS Intern. Multiconference in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 16-18, 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes
An ODL system and Virtual Class for the electrical engineering sector
WSEAS Intern. Multiconference in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 16-18, 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes
A virtual lab and e-training system for natural gas technicians
4th WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities, Miami, Florida, USA, November 17-19, 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou
An E-Government Web Portal
2005 WSEAS International Conference on ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS and DEVELOPMENT, (EED '05). Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT, Issue 1, Volume 1, pp. 150-154, October 2005
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, J.G. Glentzes
A dynamical system for e-culture services
2005 WSEAS International Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL (CONTROL '05), Venice, Italy, November 2-4, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, Issue 1, Volume 5, pp. 125-130, January 2006
A.S.Drigas, L.G.Koukianakis, Y.V.Papagerasimou
A system for e-inclusion for individuals with sight disabilities
7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 27-29, 2005. Also included in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS, Issue 11, Volume 4, pp. 1776-1780, November 2005
A.S.Drigas, J. Vrettaros
An Intelligent Tool for Building E-Learning Contend-Material Using Natural Language in Digital Libraries
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on E-AVTIVITIES (E-AVTIVITIES 2004), October 24-26, 2004, Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 5, Volume 1, November 2004.
S.J Perantonis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, A.S. Drigas, C. Emmanouilidis, A. Kesidis
D-SCRIBE project: A System for Digitization and Processing of Greek Manuscripts
International Journal Information Theory and Applications, Vol. 11, pp. 232-240, 2004
A.S.Drigas, J. Vrettaros, L. Stavrou, D. Kouremenos
E-learning Environment for Deaf people in the E-Commerce and New Technologies Sector
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on E-AVTIVITIES (E-AVTIVITIES 2004), October 24-26, 2004, Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 5, Volume 1, November 2004.
S.J. Perantoni, B. Gatos, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis, I. Vrettaros, A.S.Drigas, C. Emmanouilidis, A. Kesidis, D. Kalomoirakis
System for Processing and Recognition of Old Greek Manuscripts (The D-SCRIBE Project)
4th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS, December 17-19, 2004, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, isuue 6, volume 3, p.p. 2049-2057,2004.
J.Vrettaros, G. Vouros, A.S.Drigas
Development of a Diagnostic System of Taxonomies Using Fuzzy Logic - Case SOLO (useful for e-learning system)
Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on AUTOMATION & INFORMATION (ICAI'04), Venice, Italy, November 15-17, 2004. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 6, Volume 1, December 2004.
A.S.Drigas, J.Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos
Teleeducation and e-learning services for teaching English as a second language to Deaf people, whose first language is the Sign Language
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on ROBOTICS, DISTANCE LEARNING AND INTELLIGENT COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (ICRODIC 2004) Izmir, Turkey, September 13-16, 2004. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 3, Volume 1, September 2004.
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, D. Kouremenos, S. Domoxoudis
Towards a conservative - with respect to queuing - simulation model for H.261 & H.263 Sign-Language Videoconference Traffic in Multipoint IP Sessions.
Proceedings of WSEAS Int. Conf. on MULTIMEDIA, INTERNET AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES (ICOMIV 2004), Izmir, Turkey, September 13-16, 2004. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 7, Volume 3, September 2004.
V. Soulioti, Y. Bakopoulos, S Kouremenos, Y. Vrettaros, S. Nikolopoulos, A.S.Drigas
Stream Ciphers created by a Discrete Dynamic System for application in the Internet
Proceedings of 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on COMMUNICATIONS, July 12-15, 2004, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece. Selected and is included also in WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 2, Volume 3, April 2004.
Y.Bakopoulos, A.S.Drigas
Theoretical calculation of the pore size distribution of cement gels
6th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS & COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (WSEAS MMACTEE 2004) Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, December 29-31, 2004. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications.
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, S. Vrettos, J. Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos
An expert system for job matching of unemployed
Elsevier's Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 26 p. 217-224, 2004.
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos, A.S.Drigas
Measurement, Modelling and Simulation of Videoconference Traffic from VBR Video Encoders
HET- NETs 04 - 2nd International working conference on performance modelling and evaluation of heterogeneous networks. Bradford University, UK. 26-28 July 2004.
A.S.Drigas, L. Koukianakis
A modular environment for e-learning and e-psychology
4th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS, December 17-19, 2004, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, isuue 6, volume 3, p.p. 2062-2067,2004.
V.Soulipti, Y.Bakopoulos, S. Kouremenos, S.Nikolopoulos, Y.Vrettaros, A.S.Drigas
Quantum Key Distribution and Adaptive Protocols
6th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS & COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (WSEAS MMACTEE 2004) Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, December 29-31, 2004. Also included in WSEAS Transactions on Communications.
S. Domoxoudis, S. Kouremenos, V. Loumos and A.S.Drigas
Measurement, Modelling and Simulation of Videoconference Traffic from VBR Video Encoders
HET- NETs 04 - 2nd International working conference on performance modelling and evaluation of heterogeneous networks 26-28 July 2004 Requested as Extended PAPER to be included in special journal issues. (7/2004)
A. Drigas, L. Koukianakis
E-government Application for Supporting a Network of Distributed Public Administration Units
WSEAS 2004 Conferences, Vouliagmeni, Athens, GREECE, December 29-31, 2004. MMACTEE, WAMUS, NOLASC 2004, Issue 10, Volume 3, pp. 3336-3340, December 2004.
S. Kouremenos, D. Kouremenos, S. Domoxoudis and A. Drigas
Statistical Analysis of Sign Language VideoConference Traffic in Multipoint IP Sessions
Fourth Conference on Videoconferencing and Emerging Video Technologies, Gallaudet University - Washington D.C. April 18th - 20th, 2004
S. Kouremenos, S.Nikolopoulos, Y.Bakopoulos, A. Drigas, S. Domoxoudis, V. Soulioti
An Assessment on Experimental Timeseries Analysis of Multipoint Videoconference Traffic in IP Networks
Halkida 2003
C. Skianis, K.Kontovasilis, A.S.Drigas and M. Moatsos
Measurement and Statistical Analysis of Asymmetric Multipoint Videoconference Traffic in IP Networks
Kluwer's Telecommunications Systems 23:1,2, p. 95-122, 2003.
A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, J. Vrettaros, D. Kouremenos, L. Koukianakis
Intelligent tools in business to business training
International conference on New Horizons in Industry and Education. Santorini. 28-29 August 2003.
Η Ηλεκτρονική Αγορά των Δημοσίων Προμηθειών
J. Vrettaros, A.S.Drigas, S. Kouremenos, D. Mitsopoulos
Open Distance Interactive System for Educational Applications ODYSSEAS
2nd International Conference on Technology in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. Samos. 27-29 June 2001.
Electronic Commerce Framework In Greece: The National Policy
3rd International E-Commerce Conference for South-Eastern Europe, Sofia, 24-26 October 2000
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios, G.I.Stassinopoulos, E.D.Sykas
Buffer Allocation for Τhree or More Customer Classes
EURINFO'88, Athens, May 1988.
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation in a Multiservice Environment for Multirate Signals
Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (IEEE), Kobe, Japan, June 1988.
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation in a Multiservice Environment for Τhree or More Customer Classes
Int. Conf. on Data Comm. Techn., Limerick, Ireland, Sept. 1988.
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation in a Multiservice Environment, a priority case
Melecon'89, Lisbon, April 1989
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios
A Priority Model for Resource Allocation in ISDN
The Third Int. Symp. On Computer and Information Sciences, (ISCIS III). Cesme, Ismir - Turkey. Oct. 29 - Nov.2, 1988
A.S.Drigas, E.N.Protonotarios, G.I.Stassinopoulos, E.D.Sykas
Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation for Multirate Signals
MELECON'87, Rome, March 1987
A.Stafylopatis, A.S.Drigas
On the Processing Time of a Parallel Linear System Solver
International Conference on Supercomputing, I.C.S.87, Athens, June 1987.
Copyright Net Media Lab of NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" - Athens 2004