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European Union
Προγράμματα Έρευνας & Τεχνολογίας
Τετάρτη, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2025

Climate Change in Agriculture
Nowadays, one of the major problems the world faces is the climate change. The primary sector, plant and animal production, depends a lot on the climatic conditions and it is expected to carry most of the weight of this change. Therefore, adjustments are necessary in the way that we perform agriculture; adjustments that will allow the continuation of the production of quality food from animal and plant origin and that will ensure the survival of the human race. In this direction, the wider objective of this project is to create qualified scientists who will contribute to the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture and will be readily absorbed by the labour market. The key actions of this project will be: a) the development, testing and adaptation of new content for courses, learning materials and tools and b) the university-enterprise cooperation. The major outputs of this project will be: a) new updated material in the field of "climate change, crop and animal production" in two languages (French and English), b) the development of the relevant courses, c) the development of modern learning materials (educational and mechanical equipment related to the courses) and d) the development of learning tools (e-learning platform, dynamic web site), that will all contribute to the succession of the wider objective of the project. The impact of this project is expected to be significant since: a) it will provide the HEI's with the appropriate tools to produce highly trained scientists in the respective field and b) it will strengthen the internationalization of HEI and the capacity to network effectively in research, scientific and technological innovation. From: 2017-2020 as Partner - ICTs Platform & Tools Developer & Trainer
Promoting Inclusive Strategies for Disadvantaged Seniors
Although many senior citizens enjoy good health, aging often brings difficulties preventing older citizens from accessing goods and services and living independently. Ensuring accessibility for all is both a question of fundamental rights and crucial to making the most of the potential that senior citizens have in social and economic terms. Adult learning provides a means of up skilling or re-skilling those affected by unemployment and age, as well as making an important contribution to social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development. The consortium proposes to offer innovative, targeted and high quality lifelong learning opportunities to senior citizens for the acquisition of digital skills, which will support in a systemic way active aging, access, social inclusion, participation and personal development though the use of the digitalized learning eco-system to be developed, as well as through the e-services, e-governance, e-participation and e-communication provided in each partner country. The Seniors Go Digital project aims to offer opportunities to re-skill or up-skill their digital competences to become active citizens and socially included in the digital world in order to guarantee their activeness, social presence, e-access, e-participation and personal development, to design, implement, monitor and evaluate a toolkit that will re-skill or up-skill seniors' digital competences to become active citizens and socially included in the digital world and to pilot-test the "Seniors Digital One Stop Support Centers". From: 2017-2020 as Partner - ICTs Platform & Tools Developer & Trainer
Online Portal and Active Learning System for Senior Citizens in Europe
The project "OPALESCE" is an international consortium under the ERASMUS+ Project with focus on the Strategic Partnership for adult education. Project partners are from four countries: Germany, Greece, Portugal and Cyprus. The goal of the project OPALESCE is to create a learning system focused on senior citizens that runs on mobile devices and downloads open learning content from an online platform. The duration of the project is 36 months. The system will integrate different media formats and interactivity into an innovative "micro unit" format suited even for small screen devices such as smartphones and easy enough to be used intuitively. The idea is to present learning content in small units that only fill one screen, and the user can go to the next page by swiping to the next screen almost as if turning the page of the book. Swiping back takes the user to the previous screen. The consortium believes that designing and supporting such a system has a huge potential thanks to the scalability of the approach. In addition the partners see the growing interest of senior citizens in technology and are eager to deliver a product that can actually make such a big difference. From: 2014-2017 as Partner - ICTs Platform & Tools Developer & Trainer
Summer e-Challenges: Acquiring Soft & Digital Skills Through Non-Formal Free-Time Practices
According to the 2015 Eurydice Report the average summer holidays in Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece is about 11-13 weeks. Could this non-working be utilized in a useful and productive way so that young people can acquire skills and competences that are not highly promoted in formal education? Non-formal learning has been acknowledged widely in the last decade proving unique opportunity to involve young people in activities on a voluntary basis. The 'SUMMER e-CHALLENGES" projects project aims to utilise the summer non-school time of young people in order to promote the acquisition, recognition and validation of basic and soft skills with an emphasis on digital skills that young people gain in non-formal learning opportunities, so that they become transparent, visible and useful for their academic and adult life. The project proposes the introduction of an innovative "Summer Challenge Programme" which young people can participate on a voluntary basis in order to acquire a combination of skills, competences, knowledge and attitudes that are considered essential for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. It is in essence is a self-directed, non-competitive, voluntary, flexible, and adaptable scheme of non-formal learning activities that is based on young people's' personal development (13-16 yrs old). From: 2016-2017 as Partner - ICTs Platform & Tools Developer & Trainer
Promoting Technology Enhanced Teaching in Primary Schools
The PRIMETECH project addresses the need in EU policies for high quality teachers able to innovate using ICTs and for improved data on their digital competence which can lead to inclusive education. It also tackles the need to enhance the uptake of ICT in teaching and learning, to promote stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency and recognition tools, and strengthen the professional profile of the teaching profession. According, to the recent Survey of Schools: ICT in Education, two-thirds of teachers in the EU learn about ICT in their own time, and almost all are positive about ICT impact on students. Despite this readiness, the Survey revealed that teachers' ICT use in lessons and confidence in their digital competency has to increase. The PRIMETECH project aims to create the Technology Enhanced Teaching Competence Code which will be used as the basis of the creation of the Open Badges system to be used for the recognition and validation of teachers' practices, knowledge and skills acquired, to design and implement the PRIMETECH professional development program for teachers with in-built ICT training offered both on-line and school-based, constant monitoring and assessment procedures through a mentoring and peer assessment process offered in an open environment and to design a dynamic, interactive and powerful tool eco-system-open platform which will provide e-learning, e-connectivity and e-communication functionalities accompanied with learning modules, training material, guides etc. From: 2016-2018 as Partner - ICTs Platform & Tools Developer & Trainer
Innovation and Employability for Women
The project's goal is to determine the status of technology in terms of participation and awareness among women, particularly young women in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the benefits arising from their use in the field of employment. The project will focus on exploring how social networks and the Internet can fight the employment disparities and promote new opportunities for entrepreneurship and self-employment of women and especially, young women. The project involves the detection and evaluation of the existing possibilities offered by the electronic networks, tools and markets, as well as professional, educational, social networking platforms and e-learning. A parallel scientific research will document and analyze the current use of the Internet for employment purposes and the awareness of young women in Greece. Finally, the project will be completed with a feasibility study that will lead to the formulation of standards for the creation of a research and innovation center for women. From: 2015-2017 as Scientific Coordinator
Code and Youth: An Innovative Programme in the Digital Era
As youth unemployment is a major issue all other Europe, mastering ICT skills is becoming critical to fill the huge gap created by the digital revolution. However, as there is an every growing need for ICT experts in the EU, evidence suggests that less students are choosing this field than before. Up to now, ICT lessons were focusing purely on computer literacy - teaching students, how to word-process, how to work a spreadsheet and how to surf the Internet. These skills were considered enough, as to be an ICT expert. However, there is nowadays an ever growing need to teach the next generation computer science, ICT and digital literacy, thus going beyond the skills of how to use a computer, to teach young people how to code, how to create a program, but how a computer works and how to make it work for them. The project aims not only to open up new routes for teaching coding and programming to young teenagers (14-16 years old), but also offer them career options in order to initially have a first-hand experience of the various fields of computing and then choose to study in a related topic. In the summer when students have a lot of free time, it has been seen as an opportunity to offer an innovative and interactive programme for teaching coding to teenagers, but also to explore the field of computing for a better career guidance that will bridge the skills gap between education and the labour market. The project pioneers to design, develop, implement and evaluate a creative and interactive programme which aims to introduce young people/teenagers 14-16 yrs old to the world of 'coding' and 'computing'. From: 2016-2017 as Partner - ICTs Platform & Tools Developer & Trainer
Grandparents and Grandchildren Keep In Touch
The world is ageing, and in doing so the society and the family are changing. Ageing can be an enjoyable experience if elderly people have access to Lifelong Learning opportunities. The more integrated and socially included grandparents are the more society gains and as a result the family members gain. This project aims to promote active ageing and intergenerational solidarity through developing an innovative ICT training course for acquiring the necessary skills in order to participate in the modern world, both for pleasure and for business. Grandparents will be professionally trained with the involvement of their grandchildren who will transfer their current knowledge on social networking. When they will acquire the necessary skills they will set up a social communication network between them. The final stage will be the launching of the GRANDS HELP DESK on the web/platform where they can offer support, help and guidance to children who are in need. From: 2014-2016 as Partner
Innovation Transfer of DEDALOS Project for teaching English as a Second Language to Deaf People whose first language is the Sign Language via E-Learning Tools
The main purpose of the project is the provision of distance ICT based, learning to Deaf People and how to use the e-learning environment as a means for the linguistic training of the English Language as a second language. Towards this aim, the innovative instructive material of the DEDALOS LDV Project, which is suitably adapted to deaf people, was used. The learning system consists of the educational scenario, the learning material and the used technological solutions of the DEDALOS project. It was pedagogically, socially, culturally, and linguistically adapted and focused on the special needs of the Deaf people of every country-partner (Greece, Italy, Sweden and Romania). From: 2008-2010 as Scientific Coordinator
Innovation Transfer SYNERGIA for the Distance and Lifelong Training of the Deaf People via ICT-based Strategies in E-Business and the New Economy
The objective of the SYNERGIA Project is the promotion of the Internet and e-commerce knowledge within the deaf communities, through distance e-learning in order for the deaf people to become active through the use of new technologies in the areas of e-business and the new economy. Apart from Greece other countries that participate in the SYNERGIA Project are England, Cyprus and Italy. From: 2007-2009 as Scientific Coordinator
Portal and e-learning environment for the teaching of Sign language
Portal and e-learning environment for the teaching of the Sign language. Partners: The Royal National Institute for deaf people (R.N.I.D.), Greek Sign Language Centre, The Finnish Association of the deaf, N.C.S.R. "DEMOKRITOS". From: 2004-2007 as Scientific Coordinator
A Voice Portal System for the informing and service of the citizens
This project has to do with the development of voice portal system over IP networks (Voice over IP) which will be based at the N.C.S.R. 'Demokritos' facilities. The objective of this system is to provide e-services to citizens and enterprises via telephone and web for the N.C.S.R. 'Demokritos', the Municipality of Holargos and the General Secretariat of Research and Technology. In addition, an ECM software will be installed (for document management (applications and certificates management) and the electronic protocol of N.C.S.R. 'Demokritos') as well as software for the management of the Special Account Secretariat of N.C.S.R. 'Demokritos', all of which will be fully interlinked with the voice portal. From: 2004-2008 as Scientific Coordinator
Wireless Broadband E-Services in N.C.S.R. "Demokritos" (Ε-Science)
This project aims at developing a wireless broadband network infrastructure within the N.C.S.R. 'Demokritos' facilities in order to cover mainly the needs of the visitors and the mobile users. This means constant and uninterruptible access to the Internet and its services. In addition, the project aims at the development of an e-science web portal which will roadmap the scientific-research activities in Greece. Finally, it will provide web-casting services with the broadcast of scientific activities via video to the users of the e-science web portal. From: 2009-2010 as Scientific Coordinator
Culture - Society of Information
"SUBSTANTIATION, EXPLOITATION AND RENDERING OF THE GREEK CULTURE". N.C.S.R. "DEMOKRITOS", Organization for the Promotion of the Greek Culture. From: 2004-2005 as Scientific Coordinator
DEDALOS (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Teaching English as a second language to Deaf people, whose first language is the Sign Language, via e-Learning tools
The teaching of the English language as a second language to deaf individuals, whose first language is the Sign language, via e-learning. "DEMOKRITOS" N.C.S.R. "D", UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA, ICCS - NTUA, PAN-HELLENIC UNION of the HEARING IMPAIRED (P.E.K.), CAMBRIDGE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT LTD (C.T.A.D.), REMARK (UK), The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (R.N.I.D.) (UK), Sign Language foundation Center (S.L.F.C.) SWEDEN, Hogeschool van UTRECHT. From: 2003-2006 as Scientific Coordinator
DELFE (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Distance and Life Long Training for the Deaf people in the E-Commerce and New Technologies Sector via e-Learning Tools
Distance and Life Long Training for Deaf people on e-commerce and New Technologies Sector via e-learning Tools. "DEMOKRITOS" N.C.S.R. "D", UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA, PAN-HELLENIC UNION of the HEARING IMPAIRED (P.E.K.), Specialized Centre for Professional Training and Re-instatement of the Young-Hearing Impaired Unemployed Individuals (KEESE), Universite Lumiere Lyon2, Institut de Psychologie, Scolaire des Jeunes Sourds (SSEFIS) Lyon, Universite de Picardie Jules-Vernes, Centre Universitaire de Recherches, Danish Deaf Youth Association (DDYA), Ministry of Education and Culture, Nikosia Cyprus. From: 2002-2005 as Scientific Coordinator
O.P. "Education"
University of Ioannina, N.C.S.R. DEMOKRITOS. From: 2003-2004 as Coordinator of e-learning
Research and Technological Development Consortia in National Priority sectors, for the 4.5.1 CULTURE - TOURISM KNOWLEDGE INTENSITY (Ministry of Development - General Secretariat of Research and Technology (G.S.R.T.) action. ZENON S.A., BSI S.A., NCSR "DEMOKRITOS", Mount Sinai Foundation. From: 2004-2006 as Coordinator of e-learning
Technicians Training
Distance Training of Installations of Natural Gas Technicians (installations, conservers) with Multimedia Technologies and the Internet. From: 1999-2001 as Coordinator of e-learning
Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works/YAS
YAS Portal
Assistance and technical support for the development of services in the Society of information sector, for the Re-instatement of Earthquake victims (YAS) Service. More specifically, the development and operation of a Portal for electronic informing, electronic acceptance of applications and electronic protocol. From: 2003-2005 as Scientific Coordinator
KSE (O.P "Education")
Centre of Continuous Training on Informatics Technology issues
Training of Secondary education Professors on the Informatics technology From: 2002-2004 as Scientific Coordinator
AS.TRA.SE (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Informing Enterprises on how to Exploit New Technologies
IPSIA PACINOTTI Italy, N.C.S.R. Demokritos, Servindustria Pistoia Italy From: 1999-2001 as Coordinator of e-learning
PRAKSE (Framework Program For Research & Technology III)
AMEA Portal
Development of a Portal Platform which Supports navigation on the Internet for disabled people and other social groups. From: 2002-2003 as Scientific Coordinator
SOLWIN (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Distance Training of Technical Electricians on Alternative Forms of Energy (Aeolian and Solar) using Internet Services
Sivitanidios, N.C.S.R. Demokritos, Plegma AE, St Eriks Gymnasium, Elbus - Electrotechnical R&D Centre, Cyprus Productivity Centre. From: 1999-2001 as Coordinator of e-learning
SME's (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Servindustria Pistoia Italy, IPSIA PACINOTTI Italy, NCSR Demokritos, Wyzsza Szkola Humanistyezno Poland From: 2002-2004 as Coordinator of e-learning
Portal K.P.N.
ELECTRON (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Distance and Life-Long Training in the Electrical Sector Developing and Using Modern Informatics - Network Tools
A proposal that was submitted in the Leonardo da Vinci (Spring 98) program framework with the following collaborating institutions: Sivitanidios, Technical School (IEK) Aigaleo, Plegma AE, St Eriks Gymnasium, Elbus-Electrotechnical R&D Centre, Cyprus Productivity Centre. From: 1999-2001 as Coordinator of e-learning
PLATON (O.P. "Education")
Creation of a framework for the dynamic configuration of the automation course using modern informatics tools
A program that was submitted in the SEPPE framework of the Pedagogical Institute. Collaborating institution: Sivitanidios. From: 1999-2000 as Scientific Coordinator
DIDO (O.P. "Education")
Distance Support for teaching Mathematics via Networks and Informatics tools
In charge of this program on behalf of the N.C.S.R. ' D ' that was submitted with the University of Ioannina coordinating in the SEPPE framework of the Educational Institute. From: 1999-2000 as Coordinator of e-learning
96 SYN 122 (Framework Program For Research & Technology II)
Intelligent system selecting unemployed for their promotion into the job market
Research program in the framework of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (G.S.R.T.) SYN program. This program aims at the creation of databases and an intelligent system, for the best possible selection of personnel from the General Secretariat of Popular Training programs trainees, within the job markets needs. From: 1998-2000 as Scientific Coordinator
ODISSEAS (Framework Program For Research & Technology II)
Development of a Tele-conference Network Centre for the Support of Tele-education, Tele-presentation, Tele-work and development of an intelligent System and a Tele-education environment
Special Action for the reinforcement of E&T Activities, with collaborating institutions ΕΟΜΜΕΧ, ΕΤΒΑ, ΕLΚΕDΕ, PLΕGΜΑ Α.Ε., MDM A.E. The aim of the program is the creation of a tele-conference institution as well as informatics tools for tele-education, firstly for the education of big communities of executives and scientists from the media in relation to the services and the potential of the networks and informatics. Following this, the integration and incorporation of tele-education tools in the education process and informing of EOMMEH and ETVA are estimated as well as their use to developing tele-education action and electronic informing in the whole area of responsibility of the two aforementioned institutions. From: 1997-2001 as Scientific Coordinator
A.M.E.A.(O.P. "Education")
Informative and Educational System for Disabled People
N.C.S.R. Demokritos, Economics University, SEPE, Disabled People Federation. From: 1998-2001 as Coordinator of e-learning
LABORATORY (Framework Program For Research & Technology II)
Modernization - Upgrade of the Communications Laboratory for accreditation and new services
Substitute Person in charge in N.C.S.R. ' D ' for this developmental program that was financed by EPET II - Provision Services Laboratories, aiming at the modernization of the equipment and services of the Communications Laboratory. From: 1997-1999 as Scientific Coordinator for Net Media Lab
ELECTRONET (O.P. "Education")
Hellenic educational network for electrical know-how conveyance to the school and the industry
Head of this research program on behalf of N.C.S.R. ' D ', which was submitted in the framework of the SPECIAL TRAINING PROGRAM from the Ministry of Education. The aim of the program is the creation of educational material for the electro-technology course in electronic format (WEB+CDROM) as well as the creation of a schools network for the pilot application of the course, with the Sivitanidios School as the coordinator. From: 1997-2000 as Coordinator of e-learning
Modernization - Upgrade of the operational infrastructure and the network services of the Ariadne Network and supply of new equipment for the management centre
Assistant Person in charge of this developmental program at the N.C.S.R. ' D ' that was financed by EPET II, aiming at the modernization of the equipment and the services of the Ariadne network. From: 1996-1998 as Co Scientific Coordinator
EnR Save
Network Information Actions of EnR/Save Community
Head of this program, on behalf of the Ariadne Network, which was executed in collaboration with the Renewable Sources of Energy Centre for the pan-European community EnR/Save. The program included the development of a WEB site as well as the installation of a news server for the hospitality of news groups. In addition, it included the creation of e-mail discussion lists for the aforementioned community. From: 1995-1997 as Coordinator of e-learning
Design and materialization of C.L.N.S. (CONNECTIONLESS NETWORK SERVICE), which is a pilot local area network within the ARIADNE Network. In addition, its interconnection with RARE C.L.N.S. pilot. The CONNECTIONLESS NETWORK protocol of the O.S.I. model is submitted to tests in this pilot test frame with the prospect that some time in the future it will replace TCP/IP, as a carrier since with the use of N.S.A.P. ADDRESSES in the C.L.N.S. network, the problems of TCP/IP's ADDRESS SPACE capacity are surpassed. Via the CLNS network, O.S.I.'s services of superior level are provided which are the X.400, X.500 and FTAM. From: 1991-1994 as Scientific Coordinator
Servicenet Network
In the framework of creating a services network available to the final users' communities at the Academic and Research Institutions, the design and materialization of a Network, which was named SERVICENET, was assigned to the writer. SERVICENET is the first Network that completely materializes the O.S.I. model in Greece. It has been designed with respect to the CONS model of the O.S.I and provides services such as XXX, X.400, X.500 and FTAM, while simultaneously it possesses all the INTERNET services at the Academic and Research Institutions. From: 1990-1994 as Scientific Coordinator
The network of administrative services of N.C.S.R. DEMOKRITOS was materialized in order to cover the needs for communication between the Institutes secretariats, the library, the special account, the employees' office and other administrative services as well as with the informatics centre and the Internet. The network was materialized as a library project with the writer in charge of the design and materialization. The Diana network has been materialized as a sum of local area networks and independent workstations, which are interconnected between them via N.C.S.R.'s cable infrastructure of thick Ethernet. The network offered services such as e-mail, which supports Greek, online conference, central fax gateway, Telnet gateway, catalogue services compatible with X.500 etc. From: 1990-1993 as Scientific Coordinator
Copyright Net Media Lab of NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" - Athens 2004