A Global Guide on e-working Resources - (Project:
A cd-rom that informs the citizen about the developments in the e-working sector
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2006 |
A Global Guide on e-learning Resources part 2 - (Project:
A cd-rom that informs the citizen about the developments in the e-learning sector (part 2)
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2006 |
A Global Guide on e-learning Resources - (Project:
A cd-rom that informs the citizen about the developments in the e-learning sector
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2006 |
A Global Guide on e-health Resources - (Project:
A cd-rom that informs the citizen about the developments in the e-health sector
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2006 |
A Java e-learning System for Java - (Project:
A cd-rom designed for self-teaching in basic uses of JAVA for the development and implementation of applications
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2005 |
SME's Training Plan - (Project:
SME's (Leonardo Da Vinci)) |
A cd-rom that informs the citizens and the enterprises about the development of the "Education of Small to medium-sized Enterprises in New Technologies" project, and also provides the tools for the exploitation of these technologies in the media.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2004 |
Improvement of the integration conditions in the educational system for individuals with multiple disabilities - (Project:
Development of a cd-rom and an e-learning application, which contributes to the training of teachers on Special Education issues. (Individuals with Multiple Disabilities)
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2004 |
Manual for the use of the environment and the electronic communication tools of the Youth Informing Center's Network Portal - (Project:
Manual for the use the net Project and communication portal of the General Secretariat of Youth with the Youth Informing Centers, which was materialized with the responsibility of the writer in the framework of the Net Media Lab. Description of the innovative communication services and the different levels of the portal users.
Technologies: Macromedia Director, html |
Date: 2003 |
Assisted Training System for Enterprises - (Project:
AS.TRA.SE (Leonardo Da Vinci)) |
Educational CD-ROM for the mass media about the processes and the re-designing of the production processes exploiting the new technologies.
Technologies: Macromedia Director, Visual Basic |
Date: 2003 |
Vocational Training in the Electrical Systems Technologies for Solar and Wind Renewable Energy Applications - (Project:
SOLWIN (Leonardo Da Vinci)) |
Educational CD-ROM for installations electricians, for their professional training in renewable energy sources technologies, using electronics tools and life-long learning.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2002 |
ELECTRON - (Project:
ELECTRON (Leonardo Da Vinci)) |
Educational CD-ROM for installations electricians and presentation of the program "Distance Training of technical electricians using ODL and Internet technologies"
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2002 |
3rd Community Structural Funds Competitiveness and Information Society - (Project:
An informative CD-ROM, which presents in detail all the aspects of the 3rd Community Structural Funds in Greece through the Competitiveness and Information Society framework, but also the development of public electronic supplies.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2001 |
ODISSEAS - (Project:
An Educational CD-ROM from the "Development of Videoconference Net Project Centers" project, to support Tele-education, Tele-presentation, Tele-Projecting, and the development of an intelligent system and a Tele-education Environment.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2001 |
Individuals with special Sight needs - (Project:
A.M.E.A. (ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ)) |
An educational - informative CD-ROM, which presents information about Individuals with special sight needs, as well as learning support technologies and Video from relevant events.
Technologies: Macromedia Director, Adobe Premiere |
Date: 2001 |
Internal Natural Gas Network Conserver - (Project:
Professional training of technicians-conservers on natural gas installations, using multimedia technologies.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2001 |
Installations Technician of Internal Natural Gas Network - (Project:
Professional training of technicians-installations technicians on natural gas installations using multimedia technologies.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2001 |
PLATON - (Project:
Educational CD-ROM within the "Creation of a frameProject for the Dynamic Configuration of the Automation Course Using Modern Informatics Tools" project, which was materialized as "Schools for Applying Experimental Education Programs".
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2000 |
DIDO - (Project:
Educational CD-ROM within the "Distance Support of Mathematics teaching through netProjects and Informatics Technology Tools" project, that was materialized as the "Schools for Applying Experimental Education Programs" project.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2000 |
Complete Manual of Internet Services - (Project:
E-learning product for self-education in exploiting all the basic capabilities of the Internet.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2000 |
The Automation course - (Project:
E-learning support for the T.E.E automation course Professor.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2000 |
E-Commerce - (Project:
An informative CD-ROM, which presents in detail, all the aspects of e-commerce in Greece, as well as its possibilities.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2000 |
Learn the possibilities of the Director Program - (Project:
A cd-rom designed for the self-education in the basic uses of the Director Program, for the design and materialization of multimedia applications.
Technologies: Macromedia Director |
Date: 2000 |
The Greek Sign Language - (Project:
A.M.E.A. (ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ)) |
In the Greek Sign Language (G.S.L.) CD-ROM a sum of subjects related to the title subject are included as well as subjects which are related to Individuals with special Hearing needs (A.M.E.A.).
This CD-ROM constitutes a tool for teaching and promoting the G.S.L. to both individuals with special hearing needs and citizens.
For the presentation of the G.S.L., a number of digitized videos depicting an actor with hearing problems executing the moves of the letters, numbers, words and phrases were used. In addition, issues concerning elements of the G.S.L. are presented as well as its relations with other sign languages.
Apart from the aforementioned information, the cd-rom also presents issues that concern and interest individuals with hearing disabilities as well as problems that they face in all aspects of their daily life.
Finally, it presents useful postal and electronic addresses of institutions that attend, support, educate and generally that are related with individuals with hearing disabilities.
Technologies: Macromedia Director, Adobe Premiere |
Date: 1995 |