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Αρχική-Νέα και Εκδηλώσεις
Πέμπτη, 23 Ιανουαρίου 2025

Νέα και Εκδηλώσεις
Net Media Lab participates in the Erasmus+ School Project «PRIMETECH: Promoting Technology enhanced Teaching in Primary Schools» - 7/12/2016
Athens, 7 December 2016

Net Media Lab participates in the Erasmus+ School Project
«PRIMETECH: Promoting Technology enhanced Teaching in Primary Schools»


Net Media Lab of N.C.S.R. «Demokritos» participates in the Erasmus+ School Project “PRIMETECH: Promoting Technology enhanced Teaching in Primary Schools”

The PRIMETECH project addresses the need in EU policies for high quality teachers able to innovate using ICTs and for improved data on their digital competence which can lead to inclusive education. It also tackles the need to enhance the uptake of ICT in teaching and learning, to promote stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency and recognition tools, and strengthen the professional profile of the teaching profession. According, to the recent Survey of Schools: ICT in Education, two-thirds of teachers in the EU learn about ICT in their own time, and almost all are positive about ICT impact on students. Despite this readiness, the Survey revealed that teachers’ ICT use in lessons and confidence in their digital competency has to increase.

The PRIMETECH project aims:

- to create the Technology Enhanced Teaching Competence Code which will be used as the basis of the creation of the OPEN BADGES system to be used for the recognition and validation of teachers’ practices, knowledge and skills acquired.
- to design and implement the PRIMETECH professional development programme for teachers with in-built ICT training offered both on-line and school-based, and constant monitoring and assessment procedures through a mentoring and peer assessment process offered in an open environment.
- to design a dynamic, interactive and powerful tool eco-system-open platform which will provide e-learning, e-connectivity and e-communication functionalities accompanied with learning modules, training material, guides etc.

The direct target group of Teachers and the indirect group of primary students will benefit from the implementation of the project at a transnational level, as developing comprehensive professional programmes in the digital field cannot be achieved without the exchange of information, identification of good practices and complementarity of expertise.

1. Leibniz University Hannover – Germany
2. Scoala Primara EuroEd – Romania
3. Private Institute Emphasys Centre – Cyprus
4. National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” – Greece

5. BEFO - Biedriba Eurofortis – Latvia
6. EdEUcation ltd – UK

Duration: 01/10/2016 – 30/09/2018 (24 Months)

Project Contract:2016-1-DE03-KA201-023041

Project Website: http://www.primetech-edu.eu/

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Copyright Net Media Lab of NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" - Athens 2004