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Αρχική-Νέα και Εκδηλώσεις
Σάββατο, 12 Οκτωβρίου 2024

Νέα και Εκδηλώσεις
Net Media Lab participates in the Erasmus+ Youth Project «Code@Youth: An Innovative Programme in the Digital Era» - 20/2/2017
Untitled Document
Athens, 19 December 2016

Net Media Lab participates in the Erasmus+ Youth Project
«Code@Youth: An Innovative Programme in the Digital Era»


The CODE@YOUTH project aims to develop, implement and evaluate a comprehensive challenging summer coding programme that will focus on introducing young people (13-17 yrs) to the world of coding and computing, by using in a constructive way teenagers’ long summer vacations, in order to teach them in a creative way how to code and to present them, through first-hand experience (visits) the spectrum of fields they can follow to study and later on work in the digital area. It aims to introduce quality standards (coding framework with benchmark and indicators), evidence-based data and mechanisms for the validation of the acquired coding competences for young people and youth workers (YW) through another innovative system the open badges. This is an added value to the project as the coding skills will be made visible, transparent and accessible through the young people’s and youth workers’ active involvement in the design of an eco-system. It develops a new on-line platform for e-learning, with in-built functions of interconnectivity, communication and provision of support through the e-Academy, where experts and stakeholders can register to offer guidance and support, an e-databank with useful e-tools, reports, good practices etc. for review and the e-community where young people and YW can share their experiences and learn from each other.

1. Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) – Cyprus
2. National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” – Greece
3. Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale – Italy
4. Culture Goes Europe (CGE), Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. – Germany

5. Private Institute Emphasys Centre – Cyprus

Duration: 01/09/2016 – 30/11/2017 (15 Months)

Project Contract: 2016-2-CY02-KA205-000819

Project Website: http://www.codeandyouth.eu

Project E-learning Platform: http://codeandyouth.iit.demokritos.gr

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Copyright Net Media Lab of NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" - Athens 2004