Project Summary

Italian Data Analysis (pdf)
Polish Data Analysis (pdf)
Greek Data Analysis (pdf)
General Conclusion
Surveying Questionnaire

ETP Video
Analog & ISDN (10 Mb)
Wide Band (38 Mb)
What needs does the project address?
The strength of Small and Medium European Enterprises can be found in the productive flexibility, which adequately meets marketing needs. On the other hand their weak point is the incapacity of training both young new people new to the firm and long term workers, according to a specific programme and foreseeing future needs (see the different National and Community researches). All this is particularly important as regards the development possibilities of SMEs in view of the rapid technological, organizing and productive changes, which the same firms have to face owing to the market globalization. If European SMEs are unable to analyze their internal organization by foreseeing and determining training needs as regards the productive transformation strategies and goals, they will probably run the risk of not overcoming the impact with planetary evolution.
Strong-Weak Points of SME's
Why are the excellent results obtained from SME's difficult to repeat with the broadening of market contexts?
The Context-the situation
What are the main problematics connected with innovation for an enterprise? How should they be met? Why can personnel training encourage success?
The Role of Training in an Enterprise
What is the best way to manage the evolution? Why does change involve learning?
Unsuccessful Training
Do training activities always reach the pre-established objectives?
Which Training, Then?
What characteristics should the training activities have?
Enterprise Training Plans
What are Company Training Plans? Which needs do they meet? In which situations are they present?
The Advantages of ETP
What are the principal advantages of adopting a Company Training Plan?
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