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Project Summary

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General Conclusion
Surveying Questionnaire

ETP Video
Analog & ISDN (10 Mb)
Wide Band (38 Mb)
Project Summary

What needs does the project address?
The strength of Small and Medium European Enterprises can be found in the productive flexibility, which adequately meets marketing needs. On the other hand their weak point is the incapacity of training both young new people new to the firm and long term workers, according to a specific programme and foreseeing future needs (see the different National and Community researches). All this is particularly important as regards the development possibilities of SMEs in view of the rapid technological, organizing and productive changes, which the same firms have to face owing to the market globalization. If European SMEs are unable to analyze their internal organization by foreseeing and determining training needs as regards the productive transformation strategies and goals, they will probably run the risk of not overcoming the impact with planetary evolution.

What are the specific aims of the project?
In order to meet these needs the project aims at drawing up orientative and training models, methods and instruments so that enterprises can draw up appropriate enterprise training plans (ETP). These are programmes, which aim at satisfying the training needs and the requirements for skilled staff in the firm's organization. These needs have emerged as a result of the formulation of firm strategies connected with the evolution of the contest in which the firm is placed.

What formulation of ETPs does mean?
The formulation of Enterprise Training Plans is a process which requires:

  • The analysis of the contest and the relative strategies in order to face it.
  • The survey of the training needs determined by the organization and by the necessary abilities in order to pursue the firm's aims.
  • The planning of an articulated project consistent with the organizing development strategies and which includes all its components (analysis results, aims, objectives, training, planning, coordination and control, follow up, participants, and training contract, resources, etc.).
What is the expected impact of the project?
Such models, methods and instruments are to be produced and publicized by means of new information technology. They will enable SMEs (partners have experimentally chosen some areas which have a strategic social and economic importance) to develop organic programmes and training actions which meet strategical choices aimed to preserve, adapt and anticipate the role of enterprises on the market. These should be functional to the structural system of the enterprise. All this will lead the entrepreneurs and personnel in charge of human resources of SMEs (starting from the survey of their present organizational situation) to determine the gaps in abilities as regards the pursuit of the firm's objectives. It will also lead to the elaboration of retraining and adequate processes of present human resources and the training of future ones. The model will be taken from ETPs, to then be elaborated and conformed to the reality in which the firm operates (national, regional, local or industrial district, etc.).
What specific results are expected in the course of the project?
The instruments and the products of the present project will be elaborated according to the dimensions and the starting situation of the enterprise. They will include both the simple paper and audiovisual instruments (technical manuals, videocassettes for the diffusion of training culture in enterprises, etc.) and multimedial instruments (auto analysis cd-roms, observation of he needs and planning of the training programmes). Furthermore, a permanent debate forum will be created inside a web site, first in order to help entrepreneurs and personnel in charge of human resources in the learning process and in the elaboration of ETPs and secondly in order to create the above-said net. On the one hand we have an immediate and direct meeting of demand (training needs) and offer (training intervention). On the other hand we have the meeting of the information as regards training content from the job market and the training opportunities, skills and experience which the school can offer to students and workers who should be (re)qualified (apprenticeship, contract of formation and employment, workers at risk owing to their out-of-date professional contents, etc.)
What are the specific methods of the project?
Methods will be the following: orientation, self training, focus groups, assisted training, distance training, by means of ICTs which will allow an immediate reading of the comparison of private and strategic data aimed at the training objects of the enterprise. Moreover, a training SCHOOL-ENTERPRISE network will be established by means of ICTs, which will allow school and enterprise to exchange information directly, through a double line.

What is the work programme?
The project management determines the following steps:

  • Analysis of the situation of enterprises in the above-named sectors, focused on the application level of instruments suitable to determine training needs and their planning.
  • Determination of pilot enterprises in which it will be possible to apply the instruments necessary to elaborate ETP.
  • Orientation of the instruments / personnel responsible for human resources and their involvement.
  • Analysis of the contest of the enterprises in order to determine training strategies: private data; analysis of the area where the enterprise operates => economic set-up, reference market, job market, operating technology, reference area etc.; analysis of strategic choices => organization, products/services, markets, technology, alliances, etc. Realization of instruments supported by information and communication technologies
  • Setting of the instruments and their practical check by means of experimentation in the pilot enterprises
  • Setting-up of the network of enterprises which apply ETPs and comparison of the emergent problems by means of focus groups of the involved subjects.
  • Diffusion of the instruments and their guided application in the enterprises of the above-said sectors, by means of assisted training. Introduction of the results of experimentation into the network and promotion of continuous training and alternation school/work in order to meet the emergent training needs.
  • Diffusion of the instruments by means of the canals of the Associations of industrial and handicraft categories and of the intranet network of Public Education Department.
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