Education and Culture


Seminarium Voor Orthopedagogiek in The Netherlands (S.V.O.)

The Utrecht University of Professional Education-Seminarium Voor Orthopedagogiek in The Netherlands (S.V.O.) offers a wide variety of higher special education in applied science. In January 1995 a new 'Hogeschool' has come into existence: The Hogeschool van Utrecht. The Hogeschool van Utrecht is a result of a merging process of three institutes for higher special education in Utrecht: 
1.Central Netherlands Polytechnic (Hogeschool Midden Nederland, HMN)
2.Hogeschool voor Economie en Management (HE&M)
3.Hogeschool Utrecht

The Seminarium for Orthopedagogiek is a department of Faculty of Education of the Hogeshool van Utrecht. It is centre for special education care in it has been a in a modern way functioning continued primarily and education and the regional Service Centres. The Seminarium for Orthopedagogiek also co-operates with the Center of NGT (training teacher/interpreter Dutch gesture language).

Finally, the “Hogeschool van Ultrecht” has a important bachelor course of 4 year, for the Sign Language. This is the “Opleiding Nederlandse Gebarentall”.
Students are trained for two different professions
a)Students who become teachers in Sign Language of the Netherlands (SLN)
b)Students who become interpreters of S.L.N..
Both the courses are for 4 years. Our organization is specialized in Sign Language Linguistics, practical sign language and interpreting and also didactics of sign language teaching. Our teachers are high trained and qualified. Within this project both interpreter and sign language teachers will participate. The persons participating have over 10 years of work experience and are considered to be excellent professional by the Deaf Community.

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